Wednesday’s WOD 05.13.20

CrossFit Type 44 – CROSSFIT

Metcon (No Measure)

Demo Workout Video:


2:00 Stretching and

10 ea. Arm Circles Forward

10 ea. Arm Circles Backward

1:00 Single Unders

2 Rounds:

20 Mountain Climbers

:30 Plank

:30 Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Strict Press

1:00 Double Unders

Strict Press (Build to a heavy single )

Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds:

25 Handstand Push-ups

50 Double Unders

25 OH Squats

50 Double Unders

25 Push Press

50 Double Unders
*scale HSPU reps accordingly

**No HSPU, sub Push-Ups