Friday’s WOD 11.27.20

Friday’s WOD 11.27.20

1:00 Cardio of Choice


10 Good mornings
20 Supermans
:30 Hollow Hold

2 Rounds:
15-20 Press or Push-ups
50 singles or High Knees
200m-400m Jog

Metcon (Time)
DB/KB and Barbell:

5 Rounds

Cardio of Choice*
20 Push Press or Push Jerk

*COC options:
100m Sprint
100 High Knees
10 Burpees
Metcon (Time)
Body Weight:

5 Rounds

Cardio of Choice*
12-15 Handstand Push-ups

*COC options:
100m Sprint
100 High Knees
10 Burpees
Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds

400m Run or Row
20 Tuck Jumps
10 Burpees